The Moringa Oleifera, or known as the Miracle Tree has been around for hundreds of years. Its leaves have been consumed by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians for their nutritional and medicinal values. For centuries, the natives of Northern India and many parts of Africa have known of the many benefits of Moringa Oleifera. Ancient Indian writings, dates as far back as 150 B.C. It is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark of the tree has medicinal values and can be utilized. Moringa is widely found in tropical and sub-tropical belts. It is a medicinal plant used in Central and South America, Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka and Africa.
Moringa Oleifera has been identified as one of the highest nutritional value among many types of food species studied. It bears energizing properties that helps with healing and prevents medical diseases as well as ailments. Ayurvedic practitioners in India believe that the Moringa, also known as, ‘Miracle Tree’ can cure or prevent about 300 diseases. From skin disorder treatment, diabetes, sleep improvement, relief of anxiety and depression; it also has the ability to stabilize our blood sugar levels and boosts nutrition within the body. Modern scientific research have thus, proven many of these beliefs. The trees produce abundant leaves with a high concentration or, level of proteins, vitamins and minerals such as A, B & C.